Yes, especially for startups. You want to make a good impression, right? Of course you do that with you cards, but don’t forget your photo’s! They’re just as important as the rest, stuff should be spot on. So don’t fool around with your phone making selfies. Hire a true specialist.
Photos for startups
Our own photo’s for example are made by Marcel Israel. A photographer based in Landsmeer, working everywhere making sure your -not so pretty face- becomes so pretty people want to buy you ánd your product. How does that sound? Marcel has worked as a photographer for many years now and knows how to handle that camera. Normally hired by millionaires (and people dreaming of becoming millionaires) yet for startups he uses a special fee, because -just like us- he loves startups. For just € 250,- you’re the man!
Check out for more information and bookings!
The post Photos for startups appeared first on Proudly Represents.